Jeffrey D. Edwards, MD
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I am an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and a physician-investigator with clinical and research interests in children with complex chronic conditions and technology-dependence. Broadly, I focus on how critical illness impacts these children, how these children impact pediatric ICUs, and improving their patient-centered outcomes. Just as the care of these children is multi-faceted, my interests go beyond health services research to also include ethics and palliative care.
Having always gravitated towards difficult questions/situations, I earned a Master's of Arts in theology with a concentration in bioethics prior to medical school. During medical school, I created a volunteer project to provide home respite care to families with medically complex children. As a senior pediatric resident, I spent six months exclusively with an inpatient complex care service. As a pediatric critical care fellow at an institution with a large home mechanical ventilation program, I used my nonservice time to work with and study children on chronic ventilation. These early experiences shaped future professional endeavors.
After fellowship, I accepted a T32 position at UCSF. There I earned a Master's in clinical research and published several outcomes papers on children on chronic ventilation via tracheostomy. After that, I transitioned to a junior faculty position and was selected as a NICHD Pediatric Critical Care and Trauma Scientist Development Program Scholar.
In 2012, I joined the faculty at Columbia. Here I continue to focus on children with complex chronic conditions in the ICU, especially those needing chronic ventilation and those with extended hospitalizations. In 2018, I became Medical Director of the 9 Central general PICU at Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital, where I hope to make a real impact on the care of our critically ill patients, especially those with complex chronic conditions.
Areas of Expertise / Conditions Treated
- Home Mechanical Ventilation
- Pediatric Critical Care Specialist
Academic Appointments
- Associate Professor of Pediatrics at CUMC
Administrative Titles
- Medical Director, 9 Central Pediatric ICU
Hospital Affiliations
- NewYork-Presbyterian / Columbia University Irving Medical Center
- Male
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Credentials & Experience
Education & Training
- Internship: Children's Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston
- Residency: Children's Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston
- Fellowship: Children's Hospital - Los Angeles
Board Certifications
- Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
- Pediatrics
Research Interests
- Adults with childhood-onset chronic conditions that utilize ICUs
- Children who require long-term ventilation
- PICU resource utilization of children with medical complexity
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Research Publications
1. Koncicki ML, Zachariah P, Lucas AR, Edwards JD. A multi-institutional analysis of children on long-term non-invasive respiratory support and their outcomes. Pediatric Pulmonology 2018; 53(4):498-504.
2. Edwards JD, Panitch HB, Constantinescu A, Miller RL, Stone PW. Survey of financial burden of families in the U.S. with children using home mechanical ventilation. Pediatric Pulmonology 2018; 53(1):108-116.
3. Geneslaw AS, Jia H, Lucas AR, Agus MSD, Edwards JD. Intermediate care and pediatric intensive care units: PICU metrics and an analysis of patients that use both. Journal of Critical Care 2017; 41:268-274.
4. Edwards JD, Morris MC, Nelson JE, Panitch HB, Miller RL. Decisions around long-term ventilation for children: Perspectives of directors of pediatric home ventilation programs. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2017; 14(10):1539-1547.
5. Edwards JD, Lucas AR, Boscardin WJ, Dudley RA. Repeated critical illness and unplanned readmissions within 1 year to PICUs. Critical Care Medicine 2017; 45(8):1276-1284.
6. Edwards JD, Houtrow AJ, Lucas AR, Miller RL, Keens TG, Panitch HB, Dudley RA. Children and young adults who received tracheostomies or were initiated on long-term ventilation in pediatric ICUs. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 2016; 17(8):e324-334.
7. Yoo EJ, Edwards JD, Dean ML, Dudley RA. Multidisciplinary critical care and intensivist staffing: Results of a statewide survey and association with mortality. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 2016; 31(5):325-332.
8. Edwards JD, Herzig CTA, Liu H, Pogorzelska-Maziarz M, Zachariah P, Dick AW, Saiman L, Stone PW, Furuya EY. Central line-associated blood stream infections in pediatric ICUs: Longitudinal trends and compliance with bundle strategies. American Journal of Infection Control 2015; 43(5):489-493.
9. Edwards JD, Vasilevskis EE, Yoo EJ, Houtrow AJ, Boscardin WJ, Dudley RA, Okumura MJ. Adults with childhood-onset chronic conditions admitted to U.S. pediatric and adult intensive care units. Journal of Critical Care 2015; 30(1):201-206.
10. Gupta P, Robertson M, Beam B, Schmitz ML, Carroll CL, Edwards JD, Fortenberry JD, Butt W. Relationship of ECMO duration with outcomes after pediatric cardiac surgery: a multi-institutional analysis. Minerva Anestesiologica 2015; 81(6):619-627.
11. Zachariah P, Furuya EY, Edwards J, Dick A, Hangsheng L, Herzig CT, Pogorzelska-Maziarz M, Stone PW, Saiman L. Compliance with prevention practices and their association with central line-associated blood stream infection rates in neonatal intensive care units. American Journal of Infection Control 2014; 42(8):847-851.
12. Edwards JD, Lucas AR, Stone PW, Boscardin WJ, Dudley RA. Frequency, risk factors, and outcomes of early unplanned readmissions to PICUs. Critical Care Medicine 2013; 41(12):2773-2783.
13. Bardach NS, Vittinghoff E, Asteria-Penaloza R, Edwards JD, Yazdany J, Lee HC, Boscardin WJ, Cabana MD, Dudley RA. Measuring hospital quality using pediatric readmission and revisit rates. Pediatrics 2013; 132(3):429-436.
14. Edwards JD, Houtrow AJ, Vasilevskis EE, Dudley RA, Okumura MJ. Multi-institutional profile of adults admitted to pediatric intensive care units. JAMA Pediatrics 2013; 167(5):436-443.
15. Edwards JD, Houtrow AJ, Vasilevskis EE, Rehm RS, Markovitz BP, Graham RJ, Dudley RA. Chronic conditions among children admitted to U.S. pediatric intensive care units: their prevalence and impact on risk for mortality and prolonged length of stay. Critical Care Medicine 2012; 40(7):2196-2203.
16. Edwards JD, Kun SS, Graham RJ, Keens TG. End-of-life discussions and advance care planning for children on long-term assisted ventilation with life-limiting conditions. Journal of Palliative Care 2012; 28(1):21-27.
17. Kun SS1, Edwards JD1, Davidson Ward SL, Keens TG. Hospital readmissions for newly discharged pediatric home mechanical ventilation patients. Pediatric Pulmonology 2012; 47(4):409-414.
1 co-first authors
18. Edwards JD, Rivanis C, Kun SS, Caughey AB, Keens TG. Costs of hospitalized ventilator-dependent children: differences between a ventilator ward and intensive care unit. Pediatric Pulmonology 2011; 46(4):356-361.
19. Edwards JD, Kun SS, Keens TG. Outcomes and causes of death in children on home mechanical ventilation via tracheostomy: an institutional and literature review. Journal of Pediatrics 2010; 157(6):955-959.
20. Edwards JD, Davidson EJ, Houtrow AJ, Graham RJ. Pediatric resident attitudes toward caring for children with severe disabilities. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2010; 89(9):765-771.
21. Edwards JD, Kun SS, Keens TG, Khemani RG, Moromisato DY. Children with corrected or palliated congenital heart disease on home mechanical ventilation. Pediatric Pulmonology 2010; 45(7):645-649.
22. Burns JP, Edwards J, Johnson J, Cassem NH, Truog RD. The DNR order after 25 years. Critical Care Medicine 2003; 31(5):1543-1550.
Reviews, Chapters, Monographs, Editorials
Edwards JD. Cardiovascular disease and other childhood-onset chronic conditions in adults with cerebral palsy. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2018; DOI: 10.1111/dmcn.14066.
Ray DE, Karlekar MB, Crouse DL, Campbell M, Curtis JR, Edwards J, Lustbader DR, Mosenthal AC, Mulkerin C, Puntillo KA, Weissman DE, Boss RD, Brasel KJ, Nelson JE; Improving Palliative Care in the ICU Project Advisory Board (IPAL-ICU). Care of the Critically Ill Burn Patient: An Overview from the Perspective of Optimizing Palliative Care. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2017; 14(7):1094-1102.
Edwards JD. Anticipatory guidance on the risks for unfavorable outcomes among children with medical complexity. Journal of Pediatrics 2017; 180(1):247-250.
Edwards JD, Voigt LP, Nelson JE. Ten key points about ICU palliative care. Intensive Care Medicine 2017; 43(1):83-85.
Edwards JD. Palliative care and end-of-life considerations in children on chronic ventilation. Chapter in Sterni LM, Carroll JL. Caring for the ventilator-dependent child: A clinical guide. 2016. Humana Press.
Edwards JD, Yoo EJ. The care of adult patients in the pediatric ICU. Chapter in Turner D, Killinger JS. Current Concepts in Pediatric Critical Care 2016. Society of Critical Care Medicine.