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Clinical Research
- Neonatal resuscitation (Dr. Leone)
- Clinical physiology of cardio-respiratory systems in premature infants (Drs. Sahni, Goldshtrom, and Polin)
- Clinical physiology of pre- and post-operative care of neonates with congenital heart diseases (Drs. Krishnamurthy, Goldshtrom, and Vargas)
- Enteral and parenteral nutrition and the role of donor and maternal breast milk (Drs. Kashyap and Garland)
- Predictive monitoring in premature infants (Drs. Sahni, Bateman, Goldshtrom, Wallman-Stokes, Isler, and Grieve)
- Neurodevelopmental outcome of premature infants (Dr. Garey)
- Neuro-behavioral interventions to improve neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants (NURTURE program) (Drs. Grieve, Isler, Sahni, and Stark)
- Communication and decision-making in the NICU (Dr. Brennan)
- Perinatal / Neonatal Palliative care (Dr. Parravicini)
- Quality Improvement (Dr. Brachio)
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