Molecular Genetics

The Division of Molecular Genetics provides opportunities for postdoctoral training in the genetic basis for monogenic or complex medical and physiological phenotypes using both human and animal models. The overall purpose of the training program is to prepare individuals for positions in research and teaching. Areas of special interest are obesity, type 2 diabetes, breast cancer, pulmonary hypertension, congenital heart disease, cardiomyopathies, inherited arrhythmias, congenital diaphragmatic hernias, oral clefts, and spinal muscular atrophy. The division's fellowship is a non-ACGME accredited training program.

Postdoctoral fellows receive support from several sources, including government agencies, non-government foundations, and industry. Additionally, we accept special fellows and visiting fellows who are sponsored by their home institutions.

Applicants interested in training opportunities should contact the faculty member they are interested in working with directly, or Rudolph Leibel, MD, Chief of the Division of Molecular Genetics at sends e-mail).