Hematology, Oncology, and Stem Cell Transplantation

Application Deadline

October 1

Length of Program

3 years

Program Start Date

July 7

Number of Positions Available


The three-year fellowship in the Division of Hematology, Oncology, and Stem Cell Transplantation focuses on both clinical care and research, and is designed to ensure that trainees are competent in all aspects of pediatric hematology, oncology, and stem cell transplantation (SCT).

Fellows are expected to develop a thorough understanding of the pathophysiology of disorders related to pediatric hematology, oncology, and stem cell transplantation and to develop the skills needed to diagnose, treat, and manage these disorders.

While we encourage trainees to develop an interest in clinical and basic research early on in their training, the first year is focused on clinical inpatient responsibilities. During the second and third years fellows devote their time to either laboratory-based or clinical research.


First Year

During their first year of training fellows focus on the basic evaluation, diagnosis, and day-to-day management of children with acute or chronic blood disorders or malignancies, and fellows are primarily responsible for inpatients on the service to which they are assigned. About 40 percent of each fellow's time is spent on hematology, 40 percent on oncology and 20 percent on SCT.

To acquire the skills needed to manage newly diagnosed patients, the toxicity of treatment, palliative care, and the death of a child and its impact on the family, fellows spend the entire year on clinical services. This clinical experience is supplemented by specialty rotations including blood banking, radiation oncology, neuro-oncology, hematopathology, coagulation, hematology, apheresis, and stem cell laboratory.

By the end of the first year, each fellow is required to identify a research project that they will undertake during the second and third years. Fellows are provided two research blocks to explore topics, meet with potential mentors, and develop a project. Each fellow is assigned a faculty advisor to assist in finding a research mentor, who helps ensure the fellow completes the necessary program requirements. In addition, each fellow is assigned to a scholarly oversight committee whose members assist, support, and monitor the fellow’s scholastic and research productivity.

Second Year

During their second year fellows devote their time primarily to laboratory or clinical research. They can select a research mentor from the wide range of distinguished faculty at either the CUIMC campus or the Columbia University main campus. Once fellows identify and begin their research project, their research mentor will report progress to the scholarly oversight committee every six months.

Fellows interested in clinical research also have the opportunity to pursue a Masters of Science in biostatistics on the Patient Oriented Research (POR) Track at the Mailman School of Public Health, located on the CUIMC campus. Fellows may also pursue a Masters in biomedical informatics.

During both their second and third years fellows continue to provide care through their outpatient continuity clinic and they assume greater responsibility in managing their primary patients. 

Third Year

The third year of training is devoted completely to research except for the ongoing commitment to the outpatient continuity clinic. Most fellows should be able to complete their board requirements at the end of the third year, including having completed, published, and/or prepared their research for publication. During this time, fellows should be planning for professional opportunities and career development either in clinical research and/or in basic research.


  • Monday Lecture Series Renowned national and international leaders are invited to lecture on their work and advances in the field. Since speakers often spend the day at CUIMC, fellows have a chance to meet with them to discuss collaborative projects and receive career advice.
  • Small Group Learning/Case Based Discussion Small interactive sessions twice a week provide focused teaching to first-year fellows. Topics range from clinically oriented themes such as oncologic emergencies, workup of new diagnoses or pain and palliative care, to broader topics such as disease-specific pathophysiology or historical management of hematologic or oncologic diagnoses.
  • Monthly Journal Club Fellows organize a monthly journal club attended by all the fellows, faculty members, and a biostatistician.
  • Tumor Board, Morbidity and Mortality conference Our main collaborative educational endeavor takes place during multidisciplinary tumor board presentations. Fellows present cases with pertinent clinical questions, and division members can discuss patient management plans with each other and invited guests. Colleagues in pathology, pediatric radiology, radiation oncology, surgery, and adult oncology attend these meetings, and if physicians from other institutions are involved in the care of a child they call in to participate. Every month the department holds a multidisciplinary morbidity and mortality conference.
  • Divisional Rounds During divisional rounds a fellow from each clinical service (hematology, oncology, and stem cell transplantation) presents new and interesting cases to the entire division. Divisional rounds are complemented by weekly smaller, service-specific rounds, where fellows present current inpatients, new consults, and possible referrals.
  • Grant writing workshop Second-year fellows participate in a grant writing workshop during the summer. Based on their proposed project, fellows prepare a grant application for submission to the American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Young Investigator Award (YIA). Fellows receive feedback on their proposals from experienced faculty members.


Residents are employees of NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital and affiliated with Columbia University Irving Medical Center. With these affiliations come many benefits!

How to Apply

Applications to our fellowship are processed through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) system. Materials are accepted starting in July for fellowship positions beginning the following year. Those who wish to apply must be board eligible or board certified by the American Board of Pediatrics. Please note that a completed application includes:

  • Completed ERAS forms
  • Three letters of recommendation, including one letter from the applicant's department chairman or residency director
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Personal statement
  • Additional information, such as USMLE transcript and photo, are recommended

Acceptances to the fellowship are made through the Pediatric Specialties Fall Match of the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP). Please refer to the NRMP website for details about the match submission deadline.

Columbia University and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital are equal opportunity employers. Please note that Columbia University and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital do not sponsor H1B visa trainees.


Harriet Mathis Clary
Fellowship Coordinator