Tenure FAQ
How will I know if I am progressing appropriately on the tenure track?
There is a review during each faculty member’s fourth year. The interim review committee and departmental CoAP chair meet with the candidate to discuss his/her trajectory towards tenure. The process is intended to be friendly and help identify gaps and potential challenges to be addressed. Additionally, there is a tenure check-in meeting with the vice chair for faculty development after two years on the tenure track.
When will my tenure bid be submitted?
Those on an eight-year tenure clock will begin the tenure process midyear of their sixth academic year of employment. The review process will be completed by June of the seventh year.
Those on an eleven-year tenure clock will start midyear of their ninth academic year of employment. The review process will be completed by June of the tenth year.
Is there any benefit to submitting a tenure bid earlier than necessary?
There is not a benefit to submitting a tenure bid early. The significant amount of work required to be awarded tenure makes it advantageous to use all time allotted in the tenure clock.
How will my time as an Instructor affect the tenure clock?
One year as an Instructor is not included on the tenure clock. Additional years as an Instructor are included on the tenure clock.
Am I eligible for a tenure clock extension and how should I demonstrate eligibility?
Faculty who are the primary caretaker for their child are eligible for a one-year extension for up to two children (a two-year extension total). They should submit documentation and the child’s birth certificate.
Faculty with substantial clinical responsibilities (about 20% effort) are eligible for a three-year extension. They may submit documentation of annual clinical duties, schedules/on-call sheets.
I was recruited at an advanced rank. What is the timeframe for my tenure bid?
Those recruited at an advanced rank will have a three-year tenure clock.
Those recruited at an advanced rank who are clinicians will have a five-year tenure clock.
I was recruited from another institution as an assistant professor. How will this affect my tenure clock?
More than likely, the tenure clock will re-start when you arrive at Columbia.
I have appointments in two departments. Will my primary department weigh more heavily in the tenure process?
No, the support of both departments are taken equally into consideration. Thus, achieving tenure with a joint appointment is more challenging.
My academic focus is situated within an institute which I consider my academic home. In this case, will the institute recommend me for tenure?
Tenure bids are the responsibility of academic departments. It’s important to develop and maintain departmental relationships even if your work is more aligned with your institute.
Should I seek 12-15 faculty to write letters of support for my tenure review?
The Department of Pediatrics Committee of Appointments and Promotions will compile a list of faculty to speak regarding your qualifications for tenure. The nominee should not contact those writing letters.
What should I address in my personal statement?
Your personal statement will discuss your research and teaching accomplishments. Keep in mind that your statement will be reviewed by a committee from academic departments across Columbia University and should demonstrate expertise in your area to those unfamiliar.
I have an appointment on the “At CUIMC” track and am considering switching to the tenure track. How should I proceed?
You may contact your division director and Lisa Saiman, MD, MPH (ls5@cumc.columbia.edu) to discuss the process and whether this may be a good option for you.
Generally speaking, it is rare for those on the “At CUIMC” track to change to the tenure track. Positions on the “At CUIMC” Track usually do not lend the time necessary to complete the scholarly work needed to achieve tenure. That being said, your situation may be different and your career may have taken a different trajectory then you originally planned. Thus, you are always encouraged to discuss with your division director and Dr. Saiman.
I was originally employed at Columbia on the “At CUIMC” track and switched to the tenure track. How will this affect my tenure clock?
Your tenure clock began with your “At CUIMC” appointment start date; it does not begin from the date you changed to the tenure track.
I have an appointment on the tenure track and would like to change to the “At CUIMC” track. How should I proceed?
It is very possible for faculty to find that while they have built successful careers and are doing exceptional work, the type of work they’ve committed themselves to no longer fits with the requirements for tenure. Those who would like to change to the “At CUIMC” track may reach out to their division director and Lisa Saiman, MD, MPH (ls5@cumc.columbia.edu) to discuss the process.